Last night we saw salvations! We set out during the day to invite people back to our drama later, and people actualy returned! Not only did they return but they responded to our message. After our drama I would say about 15-20 people responded to the ltar call... Out of that number there was one man named Francesco. He totally got saved! He filled up with jou and just kept posing in pictures with us and chatting and praying and then he pulled out some bracelets that he had made and gave one to each member of our team. I wholeheartedly believe that this was one of the men we had been praying for that would be so impacted by the gospel that he would go out and change the cities and nations around him.
Alright, Francesco was awesome, but I also saw a man that met the description of a man that I envisioned yesterday. He came out of stage left just as I had been told. So I went and spoke with him and his son. I asked if he had a relationship with Christ to which he responded "I have a relationship with Christ, but not everyday, it is more like in times of trouble." So I prayed with him and just asked that he would grow in his relationship. His name was Paulo and it is my prayer that he grow in his relationship with Christ and that the gospel message will fester within him for some time.
Besides ministry however, yesterday was the best day yet. Despite it's differences from America, I'm starting to fall in love with the city structures of Europe. I can describe it in one word... "Chaos". Cars don't stop, streets are not linear, and the traffic grid is far inferior to meet it's traffic levels.
However they have an ocean here, and it is beautiful! The Adriatic's waters are crystal clear with a deep blue tint... The beaches are rocky, stacked with boulders with sunbathers scantly clad atop them. I really want to go fishing.
As far as this upcoming day goes. I wish to see God heal. I pray for miraculous signs and wonders. I have seen many saved already, it's a miracle that people here are so open and engaged to the message, but I want to see God heal and use it to His glory.
-Ryan Jackson
P.S. We prayed for God to stop the rain and He did... Miracles...
Rhett leading Francesco to Christ |
Francesco (Left) Alma (Center) Angela (Right) |
My MIG (Ministry Group)
Jacqui (Left), Angela, Denise, Me (Right) + Kirstin as photographer |
Old Italy (Yes, this still serves as a road) |
Another road. |
Giovanazzian(?) Waterfront. |
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