Journal Entries / Italy 2011- July 23-24

It was hot last night...  And either my allergies are acting up or I'm getting sick.  Either way it does not matter.  He is worthy and I am ready to suffer it out for my Savior.  Yesterday was amazing.  The missionaries showed up, as well as Kenny and Casey, and we all had a great time getting to know one another.  We clearly have a soveriegnly appointed group, as mentioned previously, and I cannot wait to get to Italy and begin to minister.  I know that God will move through us and in a way He only can.  So I come unexpectantly expecting only things that God in his glory can accomplish.

Oh!  As I laid down to sleep last night I cried out to the Lord for peace, rest, and contentment, and as I prayed that the temperature would drop 10 degres, I experienced an odd level of true faith.  It was a faith without doubt.  It was just like watching God turn down the thermostat.  I knew He could do it, just because I asked.  There was no doubt as to say "God if it's in your will..." So as I visualized and fully believed in this prayer I suddenly felt a cool breeze rush over me from the left side, which is against the airflow of the fan, and for the split second I enjoyed it I was startled by it and I opened my eyes and it was gone.

I felt exactly like Peter when he walked on the water.  For when he was startled he lost faith and sunk.   I experienced that last night!  I just hope that as I continue this trip and this life, I would be able to harness this faith and not be surprised when God shows up...

-Ryan Jackson

Breaking in the missionaries

That says Italy right?

Our entire project - Italy Z


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