What is "Proof"?

In drawing up notes in an effort to combat skeptics, I jotted down this proceeding post.  God willing, there will be many more posts in the like, as I attempt to rally up some troops in the church to evangelize.  If any persons would be interested.  Contact me... Mission 168!

What is "proof"?

Logically we may explain the foundation of reason to skeptics demanding "proof" of God's existence.  We may utilize the facts of reason to explain our God.  We may offer to them a definition through the bible and through scripture. However, one's eyes who are closed will not see anything but from what they open them to see.  Which brings me to the point that what God has not already shown them, I may not show them.  To imply that I can reasonably show the "proof" in which they seek, would imply that I hold greater authoritative purpose than God himself.  This of course, is impossible.

At this point explain your testimony, what brought you to Christ.  How Christ has delivered you.  And by what means necessary they need to accept Christ as the Son of God.  Simply put, I would explain to the skeptic that there is no way I can respectably make them see anything that God hasn't already presented to them.  Yet I would absolutely love to supply them with an understanding of how to become more receptive to what God is trying to tell them.  By no means would I ask them to forever change themselves (For we know, God is responsible for transitioning).  However, I would present them a business card to the church, a tract, and an open invitiation to the church Sunday morning.  Who knows, maybe I would even offer them a ride.  

In the atheist's mind, meaning is solely derived through understanding.  There is merely begining and end, and the study in between.  This is why they are so quick to demand proof.  Utilize their methodology in attaining their interest.  It is at this point in the conversation I would remind them that any reasonable scientist always approaches all angles of a theory with an unbiased speculation.  They also may be unaware that "Proof" of God indicates a discovery,  And that to make a discovery one cannot deny existence presumptuously.  They must themselves, set out to find.  The solidification of the existence of "proof of God", must be approached with an open mind, with no argument, with no presuppositions, so that all information acquired is uncontaminated.  So for one to make an educated conclusion of a fact that is purely supernatural, and attempt to classify it through naturalistic means, is unattainable unless one is willing to undergo supernatural counseling.   

This means that for an atheist that denies logical reasoning, they must become a Christian to understand Christianity.  Yes, it sounds absurd, but this is the only way "I" personally was able to come to Christ.  John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him".  Pair it with Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”", and thus you have the reasoning behind our evangelism.

Do not allow atheists to attack you using your own scripture!  What does Matthew 6:5 truly mean? "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full."  I have seen atheists utilize this scripture in attempts to bat down evangelists.  Remind them that they themselves using the Bible is not circumstantial evidence against you.  It is merely hypocrisy, and for them to acknowledge God's word they are acknowledging God in existence.  Remind them that this was Jesus attacking prideful worshipers who prayed to be seen, who performed acts to be recognized by men.  Remind them Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.".

It has been brought to my attention by God himself, through experiences and lessons learned thus far, through prayer and meditation, that "Life is not succumb to.  It is through love we bring life, and by love we give life".  Let us give life to those who shall lose their own.  Let us lead by example and be the "proof" of God for which they thirst.  We live in a world where information and desire is at our finger tips.  What use would there be for any deity at this point?  Understand the skeptic, meet them where they are at.  May God give us the strength in persecution so that we may truly be "Proof" of the life He intended us to live, Through love. 


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