Dreams: The Subconscious Warzone

I used the term "Warzone" for it's illustrative purposes over the word "Battleground".  My dreams seem to have a rather chaotic effect on my days to follow, I cannot account for you, but I feel this is probably a universal issue.  So allow me to draw some speculation here.

Let me first note that my dreams have plagued me for years.  They have tempted me with desires unspoken that tend to relate to whatever situation I'm in.  I may not think of methods presented to me in a dream during my conscious hours yet they never fail to test me within my slumber.  They often progress directly into the mood and mindset I wake up with and carry for the rest of the day.  I've always pleaded for a way out from underneath these burdens.

Since being saved, my dreams have let up substantially!  I have contacted pastors with them and their accounts, for what the Godly mechanism may serve in these situations.  I have been informed that these dreams are subconscious attacks thrown at us by the enemy.  It definitely makes sense, although initially hard to swallow, but aren't we living and sleeping upon satan's playground?  The temptations and desires within these dreams, of course, are not of God.  And upon further review, I cannot ever recall once ever having a dream with God's will being part of it.  I've never gone out donating, volunteering, praising, or respecting a woman for her ideas and code of ethics.... It seems as if there is something far more sinister at work here.

After all, we are at our most vulnerable state as we sleep.  We have let down our conscious defenses, we have fallen asleep at our posts.  We become weak and weary and are fully susceptible to demon advances.  I have found that the only way to oppose these subconscious attacks is to combat them subconsciously. I personally pray for Jesus to walk alongside me each evening  immediately before bed, and to the skeptic, have had profound results! You just cannot doubt the power of Jesus in any situation, there is nothing too small for Him to handle!  After all, He is FAR bigger than any of our BIGGEST problems.  With prayer and and a Godly lifestyle present, my dreams have declined to being just mere images of daily life.  Of course with the occasional attack such as last night's.

Each and every time I closed my eyes and drifted off.  I would see my ex-girlfriend.  God bless her, she is a sweetheart with great ambition and a marvelous family.  However she is often exploited in my dreams to represent loneliness and grief in my struggle for patience in my present life. The most interesting thing here is in how, understanding that she is no longer my partner and part of the secular division, I give hesitance even in dream to petitioning her for anything.  Being aware of the fact that this is a warzone I am able to give resistance, even in time of slumber.  It really is quite the amazing accomplishment.  And no longer do these dreams tend to offset my moods for the day!  Sexual deviance, rage, drunkenness, and slander have given way somehow to the defense of my abstinence, serenity, sobriety, and purity.

There is much hope for those who suffer from these attacks.  I know I have seen the escape route God has supplied.  From being captive to temptation and sinful desires, to being delivered gently from these attacks through awareness.  God has blessed me with spiritual weaponry, and baby, I'm armed to the teeth! 


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