Ahhh Revival.

Wow, I stand corrected, Just got back from a little place called "New Covenant Christian Community Church"  AKA, NC4.  A lofty place, situated in the middle of Historic Bethlehem, PA.  The aroma of mildew and old building smell filled your palate, but  the word was alive amongst this congregation.  I spoke of a smugness of Christians, which we will find everywhere we go, but today I saw the power of prayer alive and well, within the hearts of children in this church. They prayed over a woman sick with cancer, and all of us, with arms outstretched, prayed over this sick woman for a divine healing.  All in all, it doesn't get much better than that.  Partnered with the song and dance of a lovely worship service, turns out God is being heard in this town...  Maybe not in all corners and aspects, but He is moving.  Now we just did the peoples cooperation in heeding the call.  The equation may then be complete. 
Let us push toward a change in this generation.  By change I mean not from Washington or even your local fueling station.  Change within ourselves, change to heed what the pastor spoke of today, change to accomodate Jesus' sermon on the mount.  Let us analyze ourselves and see whether we are truly blessed.  Whether we are truly honoring God, above all... "I beseech you therefore, brethren  by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1.  Let us measure ourselves to this standard, so that we may know ourselves as truly being  "Poor in spirit", that we may be blessed.  Let us clean our hands of acts, which they may be dishonorable to God, and let us be filled with the Spirit.  :) 


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