Leaders of the Posts

I thought of a good point this morning, (I've just been oh so contemplative today). I supposed to myself, "How would I act, if put into a new job scenario?".  I'm sure we're all aware of this uncertain environment, so I need not explain much. However just in case I do, I will elaborate!  We would feel, anxious, unsure, meek, insignificant, bashful, and easily outdone.  Is it the new relationship we have with the owner, the employees, or the uncertain aura surrounding the workplace that causes these insecurities?  I feel it's a pretty good mix of all of the above. 

However, in due time, we do warm up to things.  We step out of that shy, insignificant shell we've created and are finally able to be ourselves once again.  The weight is lifted and a burden relieved, we then usually take command at our post and influence others.  This to me arises quite a inquiry...

I continued onward with my deliveries and pondered, "If we feel so insignificant and uncomfortable around fellow insignificant humans.  How will we EVER be able to feel completely comfortable in our relationship with the almighty creator of the universe!?!?"  Now take that with a grain of salt.  We've been invited by the Son, into a relationship with the Father.  And we may only go to the Father through the Son.  So through his Grace we do find comfort, yet still I believe we often find ourselves feeling rather insignificant and small to our LORD.

I would never want us to feel that we are on the same level of mercy as our Savior and God, however I believe He thirsts for a relationship with us where we are not ashamed to be called His own!  I said a quick prayer today, driving down the road,  then said "Amen", turned on the radio and started listening to the commercials.  It then hit me, I'm putting these commercials in front of GOD!  I quickly turned them off and continued praying asking why we feel it necessary to ever say "Amen"?  Let us always be endowed in prayer, for His will in our lives, and for the power to carry it out.

God is our best friend... Or at least He wants to be.  What exactly is keeping you from feeling at home with Him?  What is it that keeps us from being completely engulfed in His affairs?  If we are His hands and feet, maybe we should pay attention,  take the necessary steps to remove our shells, and become leaders of our posts.  I wouldn't write about it if God didn't address me to do so.  None of us are insignificant, even the meek and bashful, it is all just a clever illusion that is waiting to be lifted.  God bless you all.


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