My Mother's Couch

As I drift asleep, I realize I must jump up and write this down... Not to be forgotten, this is one for the masses!  I lie here awaiting slumber upon a couch pressed up against a wall in my Mother's one bedroom apartment.  With hardly the room for the two of us, And even less space for our privacy, I await sleep.  How did it come to this... When will I look back on this couch and say, "I slept on my Mother's couch for this many years"... 

I REJOICE the fact I have this couch!  For if it was not for this couch, I would not have you!  The reader, the friend, the significance in my life!  Even in my time of wonder and dishevelment, I am shocked by your glory.  Thank you God, for all it is you have done for me.  The couch is a worthy symbol of the success you have in store for me.  I will look back and give thanks that you provided me a place to rest my head.  As I was laying the brickwork for the foundation of my life.  Thank you all who read this.  Let us not overlook the goodness of God even when it's hard to see...  


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