My Thoughts In Disarray

Another day in the world, another trudge with the truth...  Work is usually comprised of solitude and 88.1 The Promise, for my coworkers flee the sound.  With the occasional stint of religious hearsay.  Today was no exception, I was met with atheistic and personal views on how the after life works into one's perception of it and I was questioned the forgiveness and mercy of God.  Of course I replied through the gospel, but the fact that they cannot dismiss Jesus as their savior and are unwilling to believe He is the only way to heaven, nullifies any shred of salvation within their current being...  I could only speak my own testimony, and thrust forth the validity of the gospel through the transposition of my life. 

When it comes down to facing off view to view, there is really nothing I can do...  If I state scripture, it's as if I am speaking a language, far from foreign, that in their mind does not exist.  How might I illustrate the point?  Could I simply say that your contradiction of faith is hypocritical and subject to intense review?  Or question the systematic effect of their philosophies on the civilized world, and why it is they are not comfortable to share their salvation with others?  How might I poise a non-invasive approach into debate without lovingly shooting holes through their belief system!?  On bended knee I was given an image of a world then and now.  Maybe we are responsible for all pain, suffering, sickness, hate, and apathy in this world.  Perhaps they would relate to this... 

Date us back to the Garden of Eden.  The good ol' days...  Genesis 1:29-30 tells us, "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so."

Had we not all we needed to sustain life?  Had we not each other?  Had we not the visible fruits of God?  Indeed we did, and so I question, "Have you?".  Surely we may all relate to the fact the we have more than we need.  We may have bills, and debts unpaid, usually by the things in life that cannot hold a candle to necessity.  I know personally, I'm in debt from basically being selfish.  Convincing myself that it is within my good right that I earn this beer, vacation, or young lady...  "I've worked hard to earn my keep.", when in reality I have sacrificed nothing.  These lies lie amongst the product people of the fall.  With honesty, we certainly have an understanding of how we get ourselves into trouble,  and how we often make mistakes.

What happens when a "mistake" takes the apparent path of "evolution"?  What happens when good intent manifests itself into greed?  What happens when greed becomes accepted by the masses?  What happens when common understanding becomes that of the fall?  You become part of the consumption of various truths...  You become perplexed by your own limited understanding.  You become the creator of your own pseudo-reality.  You become engulfed by your own selfish pride, and find yourself often misled.  You are met with confusion and blind faith...  Deceived by empty morals and false humility.  Led into despair by the spearhead of cultural relativism.

In a sense, you have today...  You have misled youth, that are led to understand that healing and compassion are found only in pill bottles and strip clubs.  You have broken families that are fueled by the destruction of formal marriage.  You have the absent mindedness of someone who never took the time to get a personal perspective as opposed to adopting one from prime time.  All in all you are left with a culture that's values are irrelevant to the benefit of humanity.

If that hasn't already painted a picture, allow me to bring illness into scrutiny.  We are all rather familiar with cancer.  Cancer has touched many of us personally, I know it has in my family.  So let us review this sensitive issue with care.  Here are some quick facts on cancer;
  • Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide: it accounted for 7.4 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2004.
  • Lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each year.***
  • The most frequent types of cancer differ between men and women.
  • More than 30% of cancer deaths can be prevented.
  • Tobacco use is the single most important risk factor for cancer.
  • Cancer arises from a change in one single cell. The change may be started by external agents and inherited genetic factors.
  • Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 12 million deaths in 2030.
These numbers are expected to increase as we find more and more carcinogens and volatile substances within our daily exposures. We have subjected ourselves to these deadly agents on a more willing basis than not.  We are told to be beautiful, by cosmologists, the limelight, and peers.  We are led to a life of convenience, by fast food, automobile, and housing conglomerates.  We are thrust into a chemical age, where awareness is building but willingness to revert is non existent.  We give ourselves cancer by what we eat, what we wear on our faces, how we pollute our water and air,  what we use to insulate our homes and vehicles, and by what we ingest to cope with life...  I could go into innumerable methods of death and illness we bring upon ourselves, but I will leave that up to your own speculation.

How may one suggest to another that dependence on anyone or anything other than God is futile without hitting a sensitive note? Psalms 119:89-90 states "Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations;  you established the earth, and it endures.".  Correlate this with what was stated in Genesis and I ask, "Why is this not enough?  Why must we indulge in convenient poison?  Why must we be idolaters?  Why must the innocent love of a young man be deviated by lasciviousness?  Why have we poisoned the well?".  

I know for a fact, that even the atheist has to agree with the degenerative effect being portrayed by the world and a pinnacle of existence.   There is much pain, misfortune, genocide, and mass suffering throughout creation.  I cannot absolutely say that it is by the works of men alone that despair is prevalent without being stoned to death. So I ask the skeptic to cross reference the degeneration from the point of the fall of man, into the middle ages, and into now, if there is any pattern relevant?

Now if only I could sum this up into a thirty second assault on ones security and we would be saving souls every three and a half minutes (Give time for salvation prayer).  Instead it is by one's willingness to open their eyes to see beyond themselves that this be possible.  I've so much more to say, but being as I can hardly express myself tonight... I will close on a positive note...  Proverbs 1:22  "How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?"


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