Heaven Bound

The concrete blurred past as another second was lost to the wind.  The radio chimed over the road noise and into my comprehensive intent.  In between commercials plays the top 20 Christian songs in the country, in which I've memorized every lyric to.  Every once in a while something gets through to me that I'm not quite prepared to hear.  On my way home from work today, "A time for harvest" piece played, and as I cannot currently remember the pastors' name, I can hear is slow strung, poignant, diction streaming in my mind.  I'm pretty sure I've heard this piece on one of many occasions, but when he spoke of Jesus on the cross, something clicked.

He mentioned previously that at no time before Jesus, was there a man incarnate of God.  There had been false prophets, men who achieved "godliness", or people who reached for God through moral working.  In such an illustration he pointed out that this gave Jesus the ability, that by His Godliness and sinless appeal, that He and He alone was the only one qualified to bridge the gap between us and God.  So as He hung on that cross, outstretched and bleeding, He took a perfect and sovereign God in one hand and a world of sin and iniquity in the other, and used His broken body to bridge the gap between us and the Almighty Creator of the universe.  As soon as I allowed this to paint a picture in my mind, my soul rejoiced.  Rejoiced even more-so than it has unto this day.

Now, becoming born again, happened when I finally surrendered my will to God, and allowed Jesus to take full care and control of my life.  That meant trusting that He will make all things right, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him, forever in the next.  Up until this point , I have never felt anything in accordance to being present with Him "forever in the next" .  I have been so enthralled by the amazing and effortless transition from my depraved life to my Christian life to even feel anything outside of the benefits I was currently receiving through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control!

Yet now, I can begin to see what God has in store for me.  I can take my focus off of whether or not He provides me someone to love, or a child to teach, and leave the anxiety that ensues at the altar...  I can relieve myself the worry of sickness and death, the reproach of a lost world outside my reach, and the agony of daily setbacks and doubts.  For I have been seeking the promise of God through what it is I can do for Him...  I have been spread thin over the course of the past few months, taking on work after work, to better my understanding of His faithfulness and sovereignty.  When in all, I need only to focus on what He has done for us through His Son and turn my attention to Him.

I am so grateful for amazing grace.  The grace that sits beside me on the highway, or the grace that provides for me at my dinner table.  The grace that is at the end of my financial blunders, or the grace that gives me the words to reach and accept the lost.  The grace that teaches me to love, and the grace that softly corrects my misconceptions.  The grace that shields me as I slumber, and the grace that rises me up each day.  The grace that brings tears to my eyes, and the grace that I see in yours.  Thank you Jesus for all you have done, and all you will do.


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