Don't Be This Guy At Bible Study...

So, I wanted to share this experience that I had this evening, however odd it may have been... I went to a Bible study (the first in a long time).  It was hosted by an old coworker whose faith has always been an encouragement to me.  Needless to say, it was a joy to see him again after many months of isolation.  

The night was set with comfortable couches, some dim lighting, and friendly chatter.   Those who would attend began to arrive.  The first to arrive was a local pastor probably in his fifties.  Those who followed were much younger in their twenties and thirties.  I was excited and expectant to dig into the word with these guys.

We began our dive into Jeremiah and to my surprise they were just straight up reading chapters at a time; six chapters in fact.  There was no rhyme or reason to it, just read your chapter and comment whatever comes to mind.  It was refreshing and the young men showed a real aptitude for connecting the narrative of Scripture,  but then there was the older pastor...

His comments from the get go were a bit off putting...  He would make passive comments like "Oh, I'd read if only I could see..." Prompting my buddy to hop up and turn on some lights, to which he'd say "Oh, if I'd known it was that easy, I would've just gotten up myself!"

As we entered into our study, I began to seek how we as new covenant believers could relate to the proclamations of judgment to the people of Judah.  For some reason, the pastor didn't like this.  His tone turned condescending.  He began to imply that I was separating the testaments as if they were unrelated (God forbid).  He then began making comments to the other gentlemen like "let's ask someone who knows their Old Testament..."  

I couldn't understand why, but this guy was hating on me... I'm not entirely sure why.  Maybe because I was the new guy in the room.  I don't know.  All I know is that this was the first time I ever left a Bible study feeling discouraged.  

Perhaps I'm writing this to vent, but honestly it feels bigger than that.  You may not like the wording,  but it felt like some biblical "pissing contest" to this guy.  He didn't know me.  I was invited by a friend.  When I began to share and get into the study, he no longer felt like the authority in the room.  He just kept rolling his eyes sighing, and kicking his heels up and closing his eyes for minutes on end...

It was not encouraging.  

It made me realize just how thankful I am for my church.  I have NEVER experienced this type of pretension. I know my buddy would be embarrassed by it... So it's no reflection on him or the other guys, in fact, the Bible study was fantastic, but the way that pastor made me feel was wrong.  

I'm writing all this to extol the virtues of just being personable. Jesus was personable. He met people where they were and loved them.  I'm so thankful for leaders and peers at Fort Caroline Baptist Church who have personified this...  

It's just been a weird night.  I'm not used to people passively attacking me for studying the Scriptures and calling people to imitate Christ above all.  

If you take anything at all from this rant, just be aware of how you come across.  This dude knew his stuff, but he did not seem like he was there to build anyone up.   Rather, he just wanted everyone to know how much he knew.  

Don't let your Bible studies degenerate to this... Your Bible study serves no other purpose than to edify.  In fact, your ministry ought not have any other effect. 

Be like Jesus.  Esteem others greater than yourselves.  Love one another.  Just... Be... Like... Jesus... 


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