Darkness, Judgment, and the Abyss
Judgment is always a topic we like to throw around... Christian or not, judgment is a hot issue surrounding the existence and nature of God. As Christians, we warn of a coming judgment. Cult leaders use judgment to manipulate people into varying degrees of psychosis. Unbelievers mock God over the proliferation or lack of judgment. Judgment, therefore, is not solely a topic belonging to Christianity, but is a wholly human area of concern. As a Christian, however, the thought of judgment rarely leaves our mind. It's ever before us. We see it when we wake up, we wrestle it through the day, and we ponder it through the night. Like the unbelievers, we often wonder how God in His goodness and mercy allows judgment in the extent by which He allows it. It seems to permeate absolutely all things everywhere. That's because it does. We have to remember that death, itself, is judgment. The first mention of death in the Scriptures is back in the Garden; And the Lord God commanded ...