Making the Grade?

 Ya know... Doug Pederson's effect on the Jacksonville Jaguars makes me think... Makes me think about how a good leader can impact an organization. Last year, we had Urban Meyer and an all time low in morale and performance...

So I was thinking... How does this same principle apply to our churches? So many pastors are in their pulpits because... Well... They got hired and they haven't died yet... But how is their leadership measured? Are baptisms waning? Are ordinations occuring? Is there an emphasis on missions? 

Or are we outsourcing? Are we deferring to canned sermons? Are we not training our leadership to know proper hermeneutics and homiletics? Do our people know how to study their Bibles or are we spoiling them with a steady diet of prepared curriculum? Are we promoting a spirit of laxity? 

You can tell the efficacy of a church's leadership nearly the same way you can an NFL coach's... By wins (though they look a little different).

So what are the wins? Membership retention... Baptisms... Missional engagement... Leadership cultivation... A collective hunger and thirst for righteousness... A culture of holiness... Congregational prayerfulness... A desire for togetherness.

What are the signs of poor leadership? Low morale... Limitted opportunities for spiritual development... Little to no cost of discipleship... Dismissive attitudes towards fellowship... Failing to equip the next generation of leaders... Poor community engagement... An emphasis on retaining the status quo. 

I believe a lot of our churches run their course because not all leaders inspire their organization to be the best version of themselves... Sometimes, it's just about getting the job... Getting paid... And going home.  

Just like Urban Meyer...

When that happens, the team suffers. The players lose their self worth... The mission fades into irrelevance. People are overcome by their shortcomings and the salt loses its savor... 

In the NFL... The fans demand that management can the coach...  

In the church... Fruitful congregants find greener pastures.

So... I guess what I'm trying to say is this. In this world of discouragement and deception, be a Dougie P!


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