Something From Nothing

I am constantly perplexed by creation.  Of course, how could we not be, it's all around us.  Yet constantly am I viewed as being overly assuming by believing in an intelligent designer.  It is for that assumption I turn the other perspective.  Of course if you have ever watched the Discovery Channel, or gone to any public school, you have been motioned in the direction of evolution and creator-less being.  How unfortunate for those who were not given the basic Christian fundamentals given me, by such loving parents.  Not only do you miss out on seeing God's beautiful majesty all around you, but you miss out on all of his sovereign love and grace.

So let us examine the mindset of the atheist.  Here you have an individual who has convinced themselves their open mindedness, yet are close minded enough to not budge from the one belief system they have set up around themselves like a fortress made of glass.  It is within an atheist's operating standpoint that you can get something from nothing.  Surely, even the skeptic would refute the belief that you could get something from nothing.  You cannot go into a store and purchase an item without any money, without bending the rules (creating a third party).  I am surely positive that as they made their way home they weren't greeted by a sudden appearance of a sunroom attached conveniently to their kitchens, and I am definite that as they made their way inside to feed their pets that none of them have evolved into foreign species of animal.  Of course you could say I'm being a bit critical, to which I am.  The only thing that I have left out is mass quantities of time.  The irrefutable mechanism to which no one can argue...  Sure, I haven't been there, so I don't know...

However, I can argue logic, and that is what I shall do.  The Miller Experiment.  This was an experiment conducted to recreate the early atmosphere and the early initializing moments of life by creating a nitrogen rich environment and sending electrical currents over a body of water and attempting to creating amino acids. (the building blocks of protein, protein leading to DNA) Sounds legit correct?  Especially because they got the amino acids from the experiment.  This was a great addition to evolutionary creationism, and is still found in science textbooks to this day... Except that in the 1970's, scientists realized the makeup of the atmosphere in the experiment was all wrong and re-conducted the test, adjusting the atmosphere to be more of a factual "early atmosphere".  This time around they had even more compelling results.  They had extracted from the test what revised textbooks call "organic compounds".  These "organic compounds" were two substances, Formaldehyde and Cyanide.  Embalming fluid, and rat poison... Clearly not the building blocks of life.

Let us say that perhaps this experiment even PROVED the fact that you could get protein and life from sending electrical currents over water,(We'll just pretend) someone had to take the time to meticulously set up the lab to conduct the experiment...  All factors and parameters must be set to just the right value, or else there would be disaster and life would not be even plausible.  So onto the larger scale.

The universe, it's quite a large place.  With such a large place there is a large scale of things that could go wrong and ultimately cause the universe to collapse in on itself, or expand beyond existence, thus once again hindering life.  It's starting to seem like their is a purpose to this universe after all...  Anyway, there is a force in the universe called the cosmological constant.  It is the energy density of empty space.  Simply put, it is by which space is possible (Kind of).  Renowned atheist, Stephen Weinberg states,

"If large and positive, the cosmological constant would act as a repulsive force that increases with distance, a force that would prevent matter from clumping together in the early universe, the process that was the first step in forming galaxies and stars and planets and people. If large and negative the cosmological constant would act as an attractive force increasing with distance, a force that would almost immediately reverse the expansion of the universe and cause it to recollapse, leaving no time for the evolution of life. In fact, astronomical observations show that the cosmological constant is quite small, very much smaller than would have been guessed from first principles. "  

The value is so small that it is conservatively estimated at one part in hundred million billion billion billion billion billion.  (1/1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)  Imagine that as a ruler, as a value.  If a quarter inch appears incrementally 4 times in one inch on a ruler, and a sixteenth 16 times.  Imagine the value of one part in hundred million billion billion billion billion billion.  PHD. Robin Collins puts it this way, "Let's say you were way out in space and were going to throw a dart at random toward the Earth.  It would be like successfully hitting a bull's eye that's one trillionth of a trillionth of an inch in diameter.  That's less than the size of one solitary atom."  This value of physics that makes the universe possible is so intimately and finely tuned that it is nearly impossible to say that it is another case of something from nothing.

I could spend much more time on the subject, but I believe you get the picture.  One more time however for fun's sake let's say you went to work and as you cleared off your desk you saw that your pens were arranged in a fashion spelling out your name.  Certainly you would believe that someone had toyed around with your office supplies...  At this next step think of creation...  


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