Be A Voice For Change
Sometimes, you realize that the perpetuation of lies breeds hatred toward a particular ethnicity or group of people. Sometimes, you spot propaganda and call it what it is. Sometimes, you realize the ignorance of others as detrimental to society. All people, of all lifestyles deserve to be respected. It does not mean we acquiesce to their beliefs or behaviors, but as human beings we ought to respect one another with sincerity, rather than a hypocritical false humility.
I decided to speak up yesterday on a friend's thread. This particular propaganda cartoon has been shared 5,781 times and has conjured the approval of nearly 31,000 people. I knew my perspective would not be received, but I wanted to be a voice that called the propaganda what it was, a lie. We must be concerned, that today's mainstream ideologies nullify the principle liberties of human life that we have termed "self-evident" and "unalienable." The following conversation played out more like a debate (because what Facebook conversation doesn't?) This was my opportunity to be a voice, and I hope it shows that there is more than one to be heard.
I decided to speak up yesterday on a friend's thread. This particular propaganda cartoon has been shared 5,781 times and has conjured the approval of nearly 31,000 people. I knew my perspective would not be received, but I wanted to be a voice that called the propaganda what it was, a lie. We must be concerned, that today's mainstream ideologies nullify the principle liberties of human life that we have termed "self-evident" and "unalienable." The following conversation played out more like a debate (because what Facebook conversation doesn't?) This was my opportunity to be a voice, and I hope it shows that there is more than one to be heard.
March 31 at 9:08pm ·

Science! Best served with as few preconceived notions as possible.
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