Where the heat goes...

God surprised me yet again, as I lay soaking within a vast plethora of suds and spirit.  Layers of paint cracked and peeling made it's way off of the fiberglass walls and into the holiest of waters to which I was adorned.  The painting of this personal perspective lies amongst the daily procedures embarked by many. And by many, I do hope to be all, and by all I certainly infer as being most fortunate.

As most bath-goers will confirm, the hot water typically gives way to warm, and the warm to cool, thus ceasing to pour into the tub as to the will of the initiator.  The water, first yielding to be a scald, gently made it's descent into a lukewarm bath, where I found myself desperate for another blast from the hot water heater.  Unfortunately, the contents were dispensed.  The hot water along with my dreams of a lengthy bath were dashed into the cold reality of a subterranean maze which cooled and spewed it's contents onto my feet.  I abruptly ceased the water to pour, and allowed the contents to settle around me.

One finding themselves in similar circumstances would then give way to a variety of hygienic practices, or relaxing.  As this was a mid-day soak, I chose to relax, and in relaxing came upon a simple yet profound observation.

As the water became stale, and my body absorbed the warmth around me, I gave notice that the bath no longer was as relaxing as it was prior.  Initially, I reached upward to draw more hot water from the faucet, realizing that all efforts would be in vain.  At this realization I once again allowed the frothing and swirling thermoclines settle about me.  It was at this moment my hands, floating atop the surface of the water, sensed the warm water come from underneath, and upon plunging my palms into the depths below, found that the water had been cooled.  Logically, it is well known that heat rises.

Which brings me to the point of this provocative illustration.  It is a profound logic we have stumbled upon, that a cooler mass delves beneath a warmer.  We see this as being fact, for we may observe this action, daily.  We see it as being a law of nature, and standard of thermodynamics.  We see it simply as being another boring fundament of mundane living.

Attribute this now into a realm of theological principle, and we see yet another parameter focused on bringing life into the world, thus setting in motion a purposed universe.  As one may utilize his or her theory and belief on creation, seldom does the average thinker imply the reasoning as to why?  I have in the past spoken of physics, cosmology, bio mechanics, morality, and theology to imply logic to ones ascertaining of an intelligent creator, to which I call God.  Breaking free from the simple minded idea that all life comes from random strains of sequence, by chance, and over great periods of time requires much faith and an even greater imagination to reason with science that constantly objects.  It is for this reason we focus on that warm water on the surface of that bath tub.

Imagine a world where heat does not rise.  Visualize an atmosphere where warm and cool air masses do not bring wind and rain, and a scorched planet where the suns thermal energy blankets the surface where no man may exist.  Not only would the bio-sphere of this planet be affected gravely, but the consequences of a universe where energy was no longer clearly defined, would have no known boundary in existence if at all!

So we now see the harmony in thermodynamics on an existential plane, which now leads to who or what governed the authority of such a principle?  To say that we evolved from a common ancestor, which the skips back hundreds of billions of years into a prehistoric earth, which leads to an unstable universe, which dates back possibly to an inflationary mother universe, with which cycles infinitely, is far more unbelievable than to assume that there was one who put all things in motion.  One who gave all things value, and all things purpose.

If what we have heard about God is true, then who is God?  Who is it that by all things are made?  The prospective answer rests upon the soul of the seeker.  However, I can confidently concur, that if it is rest to which you seek.  You will find it in the truth of Jesus Christ.  The one by which all is created.  The before, the after, the everlasting.  The almighty decipherer of balance and order.  Balance and order that is obtained not only by a physical world, but by a spiritual world.  That by the measure of man to God, no good outweighs the eternal condemnation we have brought upon ourselves.  Between a Holy God and man,  we are eternally separated, in dire need of a savior.  Thus we celebrate His birth.  Jesus of Nazareth.  Immanuel, God with us, who was pierced for our transgressions so that those who are willing to grow their faith in Him, would be granted life and salvation.  Again unified, like lost children to their seeking parents.  Only through Jesus, only through faith, only by grace.


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